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Kimora Lee Simmons Opened Up Multiple Shell Companies to Allegedly Help Her Husband Tim Leissner Hide Cash He Was Embezzling

Kimora Lee Simmons has reacted to accusations that she aided her husband Tim Leissner to hide millions of dollars of embezzlement money. Kimora denies the allegations after being dragged into her husband’s embezzlement trial.

According to lawyers for Baby Phat owner and fashionista Kimora Lee Simmons, she is innocent of the accusations leveled against her. She played no role in her husband hiding millions of dollars of embezzlement money.

TJB has more on Kimora Lee Simmons running away from her husband’s embezzlement trial.

Lawyers for Baby Phat owner and fashionista Kimora Lee Simmonssay that despite claims made against her, she is innocent of any wrongdoing in her husband Tim Leissner’s embezzlement scheme, and adamantly claims that she did not help him hide money.

The trial against former Goldman Sachs star executive banker Tim Leissnerand his associates, Roger Ng and Jho Low continues, and is now involving the bankers estranged wife – former runway model Kimora Lee Simmons.

According to recent reports, lawyers for Ng– who Leissner is testifying against as the mastermind planner in defrauding the 1MDB sovereign development fund – are asking the court judge to allow them to present evidence that Kimorahelped her husband launder $80 million of money stolen from 1MDB by using multiple shell corporations.

Reportedly, Kimora is listed as the owner of shell companies registered in Seychelles, Delaware, and California that were used by Leissner to funnel illegal cash.

Here is what Kimora’s lawyer had to say about the accusations.

“The allegations made by Mr. Ng’s counsel against Kimora are patently false and we look forward to a successful conclusion in court.”

There is more:

While federal prosecutors have asked the judge to exclude any communications between Kimora and her estranged husband from evidence, based on marital privilege,Ng’s lawyers claim that due to Leissner admitting to forging divorce documents prior to marrying Kimora, their marital privilege doesn’t apply.

Flip to the next page for more this is a really wild story on how he was embezzling MILLIONS of dollars to keep up his lifestyle.

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