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Bills QB Josh Allen’s Girlfriend Brittany Williams How He Ghosted Her For a Year and She Still Broke Up With Her Boyfriend For Him

Bills Josh Allen and his girlfriend Brittany Williams seem like a very happy couple, but it didn’t start off as some fairytale.

The two have known each other since they were eight because their families were friends growing up in Fresno, CA. The two grew up, and Allen ghosted her for a year before they even started dating.

While on Kelly Stafford’s “The Morning After” podcast, Brittany talks about their relationship, saying.

“In Fresno, there’s this baseball team, the Fresno Grizzlies (Giants minor-league affiliate)… and so, we specifically remember as 8-year-olds, it was [Allen’s] brother’s birthday,” Williams said. “They rented out the pool area, there’s like a pool in the outfield, and we vividly remember it happening, a ball came over into the pool area. Josh likes to say it’s a home run. I think it was a foul ball or something.

“I think it was Tim Lincecum, I think he was still playing for that team, and he got the ball and it was this big ordeal, and he came and gave me the ball… And I just remember being so embarrassed like ‘oh my gosh, cooties’ … that was like our big, first moment we remember about each other.”

“I asked him to come to Sadie’s at my school, which is the big school to him and he was nervous,” Williams said. “And my friends were crazy, we were taking a party bus… [Allen] had never been on a party bus and was just so overwhelmed with everything. And the boys at my school were mean to him…

“After that, honest to God, I don’t think we talked for a year after that night… He was just so shy, and I wasn’t at the time. He ghosted me for like a year, but at the same time, I was like ‘OK, I get it, things are just not in our timing right now,’ I knew it wasn’t meant to be at the time but I always knew in the back of my head it’s not over.”

“So, fast forward a year, we’re now freshmen in college… At this point, I had no contact with him. I was at Fresno State, so I stayed home for college. And I was dating another guy at the time. I specifically remember [Allen] reaching out to me a whole year later and just randomly texting me, saying, ‘I messed up.’ And I’m like, ‘Dude, you haven’t talked to me in a year.’ But at the same time, I liked it,” Williams said.

“It gets worse for this guy [her then-boyfriend]. So, [Allen] sends me that text and the next night, my brother’s having his graduation party and my parents invited the Allens and they came. I really didn’t know if Josh would come or not… He showed up to the party, and when he showed up he’s like, ‘I had been texting you for a month and you’ve not responded.’ … And I think I was blocked on his phone or something,” she said. “He shows up at the party and my poor boyfriend at the time is there, he didn’t stand a chance. The second Josh walked in, I was like, yeah, it’s over for this guy.”

Luckily for both, Allen hit her back up, and now they are happier than ever.

I am sure her ex-boyfriend loved hearing this story.

Flip the page for more of Williams.

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