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World’s Sexiest Volleyball Star Kayla Simmons Flaunt Massive Boobs In A Tiny Florescent Bikini

Sexiest and most successful volleyball influencer Kayla Simmons shared her first thirst trap photo yet this week, and her fans were as always awed.

The 22-year-old who ditched her promising volleyball career for influencing dropped a summer thirst trap photo of herself on the beach in a see-through green bra with jean pants, and her fans could not get enough. Although she has shared more thirst traps in the past, it is always an awestruck moment for her fans when she shares these thirst traps via the SUN;

KAYLA SIMMONS left her followers in awe with another raunchy snap on social media.

Kayla posed in a florescent bikini with a white shirt and a pair of jeans as she lounged on a beach in Los Angeles.

The model, who has been dubbed the world’s sexiest volleyball star, also drank a bottle of Glow, who appear to be her sponsors.

The pic amassed over 2,000 likes right off the gate from her 1million followers on Instagram.

The American’s fans took to the comments’ section shortly after she shared her photo.

One fan posted: “Yes ma’am you’re the boss.”

Another commented: “Goddess.”

A third wrote: “So beautiful.”

This fan said: “You are so fine.”

And that one posted: “What more can I say, Kayla…gorgeous, as always.”

Kayla opted for modelling and online fame rather than pursuing a pro career in volleyball.

This comes after she awed followers by sharing pictures in a tiny string bikini.

But she also wowed observers with a skin-tight outfit that threatened to reveal more than her volleyball talents.

Who wants to struggle to build a career when nude influencing can get you much more money and attention? Definitely not Simmons, she has found her strength and she isn’t backing down.

Flip to the next page to watch Kayla Simmons show off massive boobs in a tiny florescent bikini…

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