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Aaron Rodgers Wonders About the ‘Friendly Fire’ Incident with Pat Tillman: “His Death is Very Suspicious”

On the field, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers is a first-ballot Hall of Famer. His contentious, almost conspiratorial views are equally compelling off the field. And he’s back with another idea, this one centered on Pat Tillman, a former player for the Cardinals who served in the army.

Recently, Rodgers discussed the enigmatic possibilities behind Pat Tillman’s death in an interview with Tucker Carlson. He looked into how Tillman died as well as the actions taken by the US government with regard to his body and uniform after his death.

According to Aaron Rodgers, Tillman’s journal was “confiscated” by the US government, and it was tapped in order to “prop up the war propaganda.”. He said,

His death is very suspicious….[Tillman] Goes over to fight Al-Qaeda and Taliban. Gets over there and he’s like, ‘What the Fu*k am I doing, guarding these popping fields? It’s not what I signed up for. I miss my wife, I miss being in the States,’ and then some really negligent maneuvers happened and split up his unit.”

After 9/11, Arizona Cardinals defensive back Pat Tillman bravely decided to abandon football and enlist in the military. Sadly, on April 22, 2004, friendly fire claimed his life.

Aaron Rodgers frequently brought up Jon Krakauer’s book “Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman” during his conversation with Carlson. He went on to say that it was among the few books that truly brought him to tears. It seems that the book provided him with all the ideas he discussed. But what actually transpired with Pat Tillman?



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