Dwight Howard, the famous NBA player, is accusing his baby mama, Royce Reed, of using a whopping $200K in child support to fund her dance studio. This is wild!
Now, we don’t want to jump to conclusions or anything, but let’s just say this situation has got us all intrigued. I mean, come on, $200K is not a chicken change!
But hey, let’s not forget that Dwight and Royce have had a pretty tumultuous relationship since day one. From custody battles to drama, these two have never been the epitome of wild co-parenting goals. So, it’s not entirely shocking that some drama is brewing once again.
This is what Howard had to spill while with Ray Daniels;
“So my son’s mom, that was $13,000 a month from the time my son was born. Let’s do the math on that…Also, let’s do a lump sum of over $200,000. This is what I did for her when he first was born. You take the money and you go buy a dance studio. That has nothing to do with your child.”
Let’s just sit back, grab some popcorn, and see how this drama unfolds. One thing’s for sure: the world of celebrity co-parenting is never dull. We are looking to what happens next in this rollercoaster ride of Dwight Howard and Royce Reed!
Flip to the next page to watch Dwight Howard spill the TEA about Royce Reed blowing $200K in child support on her dance studio…