There has been a lot of NCAA violations popping up.
According to the Associated Press the latest violation is the unethical conduct by the University of North Carolina. UNC received a notice of allegations from the NCAA that listed numerous of violations in their football program. The violations include unethical conduct by a former assistant coach and the failure to monitor the conduct of former and current players.
Head coach John Blake is accused of providing “false and misleading information” to the NCAA investigators and the school regarding his relationship with NFL agent Gary Wichard (who died in March).
“That included a failure to report $31,500 in outside income from Wichard’s firm, Pro Tect Management LLC, from May 2007 to October 2009.”
Blake resigned in September after their lost to LSU in the season opener.
But that’s not all…
The notice even stated…
“Seven players received more than $27,000 in improper benefits in 2009 and 2010, along with the former tutor Jennifer Wiley providing over $3,000 worth of extra benefits in travel, parking expenses and free tutoring to players”
The school was also required to monitor the “social media activity” of the team in 2010 as well as the conduct of former player Chris Hawkins. Hawkins made trips to Atlanta and Las Vegas and also paid $1,000 for the jersey of Georgia’s A.J. Green. That resulted into a three game suspension for Green because the NCAA said “Hawkins qualified as a agent.”
Blake resigned in September after the Tar Heels season opener and fourteen player missed at least one game last season due to investigation and seven were ruled out for the entire year.
The school has 90 days to respond to the notice they will also appear before the NCAA infraction committee on October 28th.
I’m more than certain that every school in the nation who has a decent athletic program performs the same activity.
The NCAA is cracking down on schools, but will they check on every school?
If not their coming pretty close. Athlete, I know you anxious to twitpic you and your teammate “ballin’ out of control” but all eyes are on you. Word THINK before you post!
I’m anxious to see how this UNC ordeal will unfold and and who’s the next victim for the NCAA.