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Fired Ref Says David Stern to Legalize Betting to Line His Own Pockets


According to TMZ former NBA ref Tim Donaghy says that NBA commissioner David Stern has secretly launched a campaign to legalize betting in pro basketball so he can profit from people’s gambling habits. If you remember Donaghy is the disgraced ref that wa sentenced for 15 months in prison for betting on games he officiated.

David Stern addressed WFAN New York earlier this week and said that he thinks betting on NBA teams, as well as other professional sports, will be legal in all 50 states soon. Donaghy is really suspicious of Stern’s new stance on the issue and says that Stern is “finally picking his head out of the sand because he smells dollars.” Donaghy thinks that Stern sees that legalizing gambling would net the league a percentage of the profit.

“Intergrating gambling means a lot of money for everyone.”

There has been no response from the NBA about Donaghy’s allegations.


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