Five former Buffalo Bills cheerleaders, also known as the Buffalo Jills, have joined cheerleaders in Oakland and Cincinnati, by filing a class action lawsuit against their former team.
According to, in the lawsuit they are alleging they were required to participate in unpaid work up to 20 hours a week and were also subject to “jiggle tests” where every inch of their body was scrutinized. They also allege that they were forced to parade around in bikinis, offer themselves up as prizes at golf tournaments, sit on laps and many other things that had nothing to do with dancing.
Cheerleaders are a big reason the NFL is so popular as far as entertainment goes. I for one am glad they are finally taking a stand and hope that more of them will do so. They spend several hours a week practicing, going over routines and participating in promotional events. This is their craft and they are the best at it. They deserve to be paid a livable salary.