It looks like the WWE is really taking this lawsuit against CM Punk seriously. We told you that WWE Dr Chris Amann filed a lawsuit against CM Punk and Colt Cabana stemming from some comments made by CM Punk on Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast last November. I assumed that the WWE would just stay quiet and let this go through the court process but it seems they are particularly pissed at Punk for calling out their medical staff’s integrity. The WWE released the following statement.
Via WWE,
In light of CM Punk’s allegations regarding WWE’s medical staff and the subsequent defamation lawsuit filed by Dr. Amann against CM Punk, WWE continues to have the utmost confidence in the ability and expertise of our world-class team of physicians, including Dr. Amann.
CM Punk claimed this past November that during the Royal Rumble pay-per-view event on January 26, 2014, he performed with a baseball-sized, purple lump on his back located near the waistband of his tights.
WWE’s investigation has shown the following:
CM Punk did not discuss this alleged condition with WWE’s team of physicians and trainers, nor did he discuss it with anyone in our Talent Relations department.
Subsequently, WWE has no medical records documenting this alleged condition.
The first time WWE was made aware of this alleged condition was when we received a letter from CM Punk’s attorney on August 22, 2014, after WWE terminated his contract.
There is clear video evidence from the 2014 Royal Rumble, which allows all to decide whether there is any appearance of a baseball-sized growth on CM Punk’s back.
The video mentioned is from the Royal Rumble match where the WWE focuses on the back of CM Punk throughout the Rumble match showing there is no visible “baseball-sized growth” as he alleged. Check it out for yourself.
The WWE is going very hard at CM Punk but understandably so when you accuse their medical staff of the things Punk said during that podcast. It could have opened the WWE to lawsuits and it seems that they are not going to take this lying down. I can only assume this means we have seen the last of AJ Lee in a WWE ring. She can’t possibly work for the company suing her and her husband. I have to say that some of the stuff Punk said during that podcast had m SMH-ing like there was no tomorrow. The allegations were serious and since the WWE never really said anything, I figured some of it to be true. Now it seems that maybe Punk was angry and exaggerating. This issue will be watched closely, as the integrity of CM Punk is now coming into question.