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Ayesha Curry Has a Message for Reporters Who Find Riley Distracting

Ayesha Curry

It can be tough being an NBA wife for various reasons, but Ayesha Curry seems to handle the spotlight better than most.

She wrote a piece for TIME MAGAZINE addressing her daughter Riley Curry viral rise to fame and she simply points out, that she and Steph are just trying to be good parents.

Here is what she had to say.

I feel that the biggest thing you can do, as a parent, is to engage. You can never be too busy for your child. There should always be time for a bedtime story, impromptu playtime, or a quick game of hide-and-seek—or “find me,” as Riley calls it. These moments with your child should never get pushed to the bottom of the list. In these moments we set the foundation for the kind of relationship we want to have with our children as they grow.

Last week, Riley joined her father in a press conference, and some thought she stole the show. I thought it was beautiful, and I wouldn’t change a thing. There can be more than 50 people and 10 cameras—not counting camera phones—in the room during press conferences, so it can be overwhelming. But my husband handled his duties on the podium with ease and class. And my daughter was who she is—vibrant, spunky, and full of life. I hope she carries this with her through adulthood.

Stephen attends practice every day, and gives his all during the games on an almost-nightly basis. When that’s over, all he wants is to see his family, and on the day of that press conference, our daughter wanted to be with her father. I thought it was beautiful for him not to push his daddy duties to the bottom of the list just because all eyes were on him. I believe you should let your children be children, and don’t be afraid to be a parent, regardless of who’s watching.

It is a sensitive subject, but in the grand scheme of things reporters shouldn’t get their panties in a bunch over. The first questions at Steph’s press conference was “Where’s Riley?”.

She’s adorable, her dad is the MVP and it is a special moment. Fans and media always complain there aren’t enough GOOD GUYS in sports, we focus so much on the bad guys, maybe instead of complaining people should promote the good guy and his family for once.


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