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Report: Hulk Hogan Could Face Jail Time for Lying to Feds

Hulk hogan jail racist

When you thought things couldn’t get any worse for the Hulkster, there’s now a report that he could be facing jail time for lying under oath.

The Enquirer, the same source that broke the news of his racist rant, is claiming that Hulk lied during his lawsuit against

According to transcripts obtained by The ENQUIRER, during a July 2 hearing, a Gawker attorney told the judge that he’d learned Hulk made statements under oath during a deposition and to the FBI that are “directly at odds with one another.”

If true, that means Hulk is guilty of either perjury or obstruction of justice, depending on whether he lied to the website’s attorneys or the feds, said legal experts.

“Any way you slice it, either one of those exposes him to criminal liability,” said Javier Solano, a former assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Things are going from bad to worse for Hogan and with no job, he was released by the WWE, you have to wonder how he will pay the lawyer fees it’ll take to properly fight these claims?

I wonder if Hulk can rip through a jailhouse orange jumpsuit like he did those thin yellow tank tops?


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