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5 Ways John Cena Can Impact WrestleMania 32


John Cena has hinted at a WrestleMania 32 return for weeks and now  it’s only a few days away. Here are few ways Cena can make an impact at Mania.

5. John Cena Helps Reigns Defeat HHH, Roman Turns on Cena

How desperate is the WWE to put Roman Reigns over? Desperate enough to have John Cena job for him.

Many people feel having Roman turn heel is the best option for him and there’s no better first rivalry as a heel than facing ‘Super’ Cena. Here’s the scenario, Cena run in to help Reigns thwart HHH and the authority. Reigns wins the title and celebrates in the ring with Cena.

Vince McMahon’s music hits and fans expect him to talk about HHH losing but at that moment Reigns attacks Cena, blood and all. Then Vince comes to the ring and raises Roman’s hand.

Fans know Roman is Vince’s pet project and this will be the official announcement. Heel Roman with Vince as his mouthpiece is a good combination. Cena would then lose clean to Reigns in the next PPV establishing Reigns as a legit force as a heel.


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