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Venus & Serena Return To Compton To Dedicate New Tennis Courts (Pics-Vid)

Tennis grand champions Venus and Serena Williams took the next step in cementing their legacy on Saturday by returning to the court where it all began, in Compton. With scores of proud residents looking on, the Williams sisters took the courts at Lueders Park on Saturday for the renaming of refurbished courts as the Venus & Serena Williams Court of Champions.

Ahead of Saturday’s court dedication, the Williams sisters, flanked by Compton Mayor Aja Brown, spent the day in the City to discuss the next month’s opening of the Yetunde Price Resource Center. Named after their late sister killed in a drive-by shooting, will serve as a resource center for those who have been affected by violence and trauma. The dedication of the courts and resource center will serve as a launch pad for new projects by the sisters aimed at rebuilding the City of Compton.

“We’re really appreciative to have this opportunity,” Serena said, “and to have it in Compton, I think, brings everything full circle. We started here and we want to make sure people understand this is a great place to be.”

Mayor Brown also expressed her immense pride in having the multi-decorated sisters return to the city.

“It’s really inspiring for myself and the entire community to have them come back and to really have a strong presence and to come back with such a powerful resource for our community,”

“I commend them for not only being champions in their own respective rights but also for being champions for Compton residents.”

For additional images from the event, flip the pages.

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