It’s not often you get to see a WWE superstar in the same weight room as you. Longtime fan Anthony Martin experienced that in Jonesboro, but it didn’t go as planned.
“I approached him by myself and said, ‘Can I get a picture of you?,’” Martin said. “He gave me a fist bump and replied, ‘Sorry. I can’t hear you,’ pointing to his ear phones. We went our separate ways.”
However, Martin decided to take a photo anyway.
As you can see, Orton wasn’t pleased with it at all.
“He saw me snap the picture and came up to me got in my face and said, ‘What the f**k are you doing? I said no **ddamn pictures! Are you f**king stupid?’” Martin said. “I said, ‘No. You said you couldn’t hear me.”
One of Martin’s friends described what he saw.
“(Orton) said, ‘I can’t hear you, bro,’ and walked away,” Halstead said. “So Anthony walked back and took a picture anyways and then Randy came over to Anthony, grabbed his hand and was belittling Anthony and pretty much was saying m’fer this, m’fer that.”
Martin was clearly caught off guard.
“Still in my face, I said no disrespect man,” Martin said. “‘If you want, I can delete it.’ He said, ‘Yeah. F***ing delete it!’ I said, ‘Okay, seriously, no disrespect.’”
“I stepped with him knowing that if he was going to hit me that he had no power if I stayed close,” Martin said. “My three friends were very close behind and then he said “F*** it. Keep the f**king picture. Enjoy your workout.’”
At the end of the day, Martin just wanted to have a good time with a fellow superstar, but it turned into a nightmare.
“I just thought it was awesome that a WWE superstar was working out in the same gym as me,” Martin said. “He way over reacted and could have handled himself a little more professional. It’s not like he was in the ring and having to be a tough guy in front of thousands of people.”