Eagles fan Dan R., is not backing down on his allegation that Giants wide receiver Brandon Marshall spit on him during pregame on Sunday. Dan was on the field with several other fans and was apparently shouting comments at Marshall and the Giants receiver didn’t appreciate it and actually approached Dan twice. According to the Sporting News, Marshall said he would fight Dan.
Here are the alleged comments from Dan that led to the confrontations:
How’s it gonna feel to be 0 and 3? Get all your catches in now during warm up, cause we know you can’t catch during a game.
Marshall has had an issue with drops in his career and Dan reminded him of that. The last comment did not sit well with Marshall and he approached Dan. According to the report Marshall said:
Why you talking? Are you shaking? Don’t shake. Don’t shake.
Marshall was escorted away by Giants staff, at which point Dan continued taunting, saying:
I’m in your head. You can’t even take some verbal jabs from a fan, how you gonna play a game? All day I’m in your head.
Marshall approached again, saying:
Say it again, see if we don’t fight. Come on, keep talking.
It is during this altercation where Dan says Marshall spit on him. The video isn’t clear, but the two are involved in a heated discussion. When people are yelling at each other, it’s likely that saliva tends to fly from the mouths of the participants. Can’t say for sure if anything from Marshall was done on purpose.
The real issue here is fan access to players in their place of work. I understand it’s a game and fans want to be a part of it. But fans cross the line way too often, and are allowed to get away with it. Mainly because fans know nothing will happen to them in a stadium/arena.
Dan’s comments were typical of any opposing fan and it was clear he wanted to make himself a part of the game. But, note to fans. You don’t want it with any pro athlete. If you wouldn’t say it to an athlete’s face on the street corner or in an alley, probably shouldn’t say it in the game.
Flip the page to see the video.