Since 2010 rumors have circulated about Tony Parker and his willingness to sleep with the Wives of his teammates. One teammate in particular Brent Barry and his ex-wife Erin Barry is at the center of it all. The infidelity led to the ending of two marriages, Tony Parker and Brent Barry’s unions ended with their respective partners following the affair.
Fast-forward to 2019, enter Stephen Jackson who took the time to take a few jabs at the former San Antonio Spurs point guard. When Matt Barnes suggested having his former teammate Derek Fisher on the show for an interview Stephen Jackson wasn’t down for any of it. Derek Fisher and Matt Barnes were once at odds after Derek Fisher started sleeping with Barne’s ex-wife. The two are now engaged with no immediate date to tie the knot set in stone.
Flip to the next page to see Stephen Jackson rant about not wanting to sit down with Tony Parker or Derek Fisher ever.