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Twitter Reacts to Being Fooled by Viral Video of Guy Breaking Up With His Girlfriend Because She Made an OnlyFans Account (Vid-Pics-IG-Tweets)

Would you be willing to do whatever it takes to make ends meet? How about allowing your significant other to make money to take care of their bills, even if that meant stripping, selling nudes, and videos over the internet?

What has since gone viral over 4 Million views on Twitter, features a couple by the names of Kellye Hardy, and KMoore The Goat, going back and forth over his girlfriend going against his wishes.

Kmoore recently broke up with his girlfriend after she decided to create an OnlyFans account. What’s the big deal? Onlyfans is a website that features nudes, videos, and pictures from your regular average Joe, to celebrities. These same people have the opportunity to make over 6 figures for their pictures and videos, so bring the pandemic, some have turned to Onlyfans to make profit.

The Breakdown- As seen in the viral video, Kellye arrives at her boyfriend’s apartment and seems very volatile after he has visibly broken up with her, for the fact she created an Onlyfans account. He asked her not to do so. Ultimately she went behind his back; he found out about it, and he laid down the law. She’s upset and starts trashing his place after he told her to get out. She wants to know from him, is she right for making the account to pay her bills or was he going to pay her bills himself?

Whats the catch?

Kellye Hardy, and Kmoore the Goat make these viral videos frequently, so if you aren’t accustomed to seeing them, you may have been fooled like the other 4 million viewers who caught glimpse of the ordeal.

Flip the page to see Kellye Hardy and Kmoore in action, pictures, and reactions from around Twitter.

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