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Transgender IG Model Claims Ben Simmons Flew Her Out and Shared Her With 5 of His Teammates


It sounds like cap to me.

The story was originally reported by Awesemo, but as soon as it did the model deleted her IG account.

Ben Simmons is seeing a transgender model? That’s the story coming from the dark crevices of the web. The model, who goes by the name Amani, has been on a tear on her IG account. She’s been hinting that she’s been spending time with Ben Simmons. According to her, Simmons offered to fly her out, so that the two could spend some quality time together.

According to the receipts, Ben also suggested to her that he wanted his NBA teammates to join in on the fun.

Amani has also claimed she has been with Lil Baby, Trey Songz, and Fabolous.

I am calling this a fake and Simmons’ people should really have her make a public apology.

Flip the pages for her alleged receipts.

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