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Urban Meyer’s Lap Dance Girl Has Been IDed as Cayman Nebraska and She’s Known Urban For Months

If social media wants to find someone, there’s like a 95% chance they can.

Urban Meyer’s mystery lap dancer has seemingly been identified.

If you’ve been living under a rock, Meyer was caught in 4k getting a lap dance from a young lady while at a bar while his wife was at home babysitting their grandkids.

It only took a few days for Twitter to figure out who the young lady is and her name is Cayman Nebraska. She put her IG on private after a 2nd video of her saying someone got a video of Meyer sticking his fingers up her butt.

To make things worse, Twitter dug deeper and found out that the two have seemingly known each other since at least June.

Just a really messy situation and it’s not really going to get better soon.

Is there more than meets the eye here? At first, it just seemed like a random occurrence, but if Urban knows this woman and she knows him, was this planned by Urban?

Is this the reason that he didn’t fly back with the team? Was this a master plan to spend some time with Ms. Nebraska?  If that is the case, this is much deeper than we initially thought.

Is Urban trying to get a divorce? Is Ms. Nebraska his mistress? As you can imagine, multiple people have been trying to reach out to her for a full interview, and I am talking about the big boys like ESPN and the Today Show.

My thought is if the check is big enough, she will make an appearance somewhere unless she really is Urban’s mistress and she goes into lockdown.

This isn’t over by any stretch of the imagination, so stay tuned this could get worse for Urban before it gets better.

Flip the page to see more photos and videos of Ms. Nebraska in all her glory.

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