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Watch Missing CO Vicky White Cruise Around City With Murderer Casey White After Helping Him Escape From Alabama Prison

A video of missing jail boss Vicky White cruising with inmate Casey White after helping him escape from Alabama prison has surfaced on the internet with a bunch of reactions from social media folks. It’s reported that Vicky White had a “special relationship” with Casey and helped him get out of jail with ease.

The New York Post has details;

The correction guard and inmate who allegedly fled an Alabama jail together were spotted on surveillance footage cruising around town in her police vehicle, a new video revealed Wednesday shows.

The clip, released by the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office, shows the former assistant director of corrections Vicky White and murder suspect Casey Cole White driving through Florence shortly after they left the detention center around 9:49 a.m. Friday.

The video was captured near the intersection of Cox Creek Parkway and Huntsville Road, about four miles, or a 10-minute drive, from the jail.

Vicky, who’d been with the department for 17 years, told coworkers she was bringing Casey to a mental health evaluation at the county courthouse but it turns out there was no appointment on the books and the two never made it to the building.

Instead, the pair ditched Vicky’s police cruiser at a shopping center before getting into a possible getaway vehicle — a 2007 orange Ford Edge — and taking off.

The sheriff’s office announced a warrant for Vicky’s arrest for helping Casey White escape.

The US Marshals Service has offered a $15,000 award for information leading to the pair’s arrest — $10,000 for Casey and $5,000 for Vicky.

Before Casey came to Lauderdale County to await trial on murder charges, he was at the William E. Donaldson Correctional Facility serving a sentence on another case where Vicky visited him “numerous times” between 2020 and this year.

If this was 20 years ago, they probably could settle in a small town and live happily ever after, but there are way too many cameras these days. He is too told and let’s be honest her face is not one you would forget unless she lost like 50lbs.

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