Amber Rose has revealed that her son Sebastian is very aware of her OnlyFans account and her stripper past. Amber made this known while in conversation with Emily Ratajkowski on the High Low podcast via VladTV;
According to Amber, she felt it was more important to talk with her son about those things before he inevitably finds out. “Your son, by the time he’s 5, is going to start Googling you and seeing everything,” she said.
She also recalled Sebastian’s classmate telling him about her OnlyFans after which she had a conversation with him about it. “I had a whole conversation with him about it,” she noted. “I said that whoever told him that, their parents are ignorant because obviously, he got it from his parents.” Amber added, “When it comes to women, you have to let women do what they need to do to support their families.”
Apparently his mother’s teachings have helped frame the world for him because she pointed out that he told a friend of his mocking him over the OnlyFans matter. “‘Bro, you can’t say that,’” Seb told his friend, Rose recalled. “‘You have to let a woman do what she wants with her body. That’s not cool. You can’t do that.’”
A 9-year-old shouldn’t be having to defend his mother in elementary school. A 9-year-old should be worried about his mom bringing cookies and stuff to the school bake sale not your OnlyFans account.
Then we wonder why kids grown up all jacked up. Mothers and Fathers should think about when they are doing these type of things, but they rarely do. Amber Rose should have been protecting her son from this not making him her defender. He is 9.
Flip to the next page to watch Amber Rose speak about her OnlyFans, stripper past and making her son be her defender in the lunch room…