A mother, who has been tagged “Britain’s most hated woman”, Carla Bellucci, has caused a stir on the socials after saying she will charge $200 per family member for Christmas dinner. According to her, everything she does is for profit.
Carla is getting trashed for trying to make a profit off family members through Christmas dinner. She wants to cash out at all cost this festive season.
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She is hoping to make a profit off the burden of staying in the kitchen cooking meals for family members and friends.
“It’s not cheap feeding people and it also takes a lot of time to put together a nice meal,” the 42-year-old told the Daily Mail.
And she won’t take any criticism, telling those that disagree: “Get stuffed, with all the trimmings!”
Belluci has an immediate family of six — including her husband Gio and her youngest three children, Tanisha, 18, Jayden, 15, and Blue, 12 months — and is expecting nine additional relatives at her home Christmas Day, most of whom are expected to pay upfront at the door.
The $200 fee includes a complete dinner starring turkey and one glass of champagne. Any additional alcohol consumed will have to be BYOB, Belluci said.
She admitted that she’ll be pocketing at least some of the money from the holiday feast, saying, “Everything I do is for profit and my family understands that.”
But some relatives might be “disgusted” by the idea and not bother to show, Belluci said, but “if you want quality, you have to pay for it.”
“You might find a carvery that’s cheaper than my place, but my dinner is going to be a lot more classy than that,” she claimed. “It wouldn’t be any cheaper if you went to a restaurant or hotel for a Christmas Day meal, so why should I be out of pocket?”
A strict schedule will also be enforced, said Belluci: Doors will open at 2 p.m. and, after a game of charades, she intends to “kick them all out and send them home” at 10 p.m
Carla Bellucci hopes to rake in some cash this festive season by billing family members $200 each for Christmas dinner despite the backlashes here and there.
Flip to the next page for thirst trap photos of Carla Bellucci…