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VIDEO: Khabib Nurmagomedov Kicked Off Flight Over Seating Disagreement With Airline’s Staff

It seems like even UFC champions are not immune to the occasional flight drama! Khabib Nurmagomedov, the UFC champion, recently found himself in a heated disagreement with airline staff over seating arrangements. And things went wild!

Now, we all know Khabib is a force to be reckoned with in the octagon, but it seems like he met his match when it came to negotiating his spot on this flight as it’s been reported that he was removed from the airplane.

The incident, which took place on a flight leaving Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport on Saturday, was captured on video and posted to social media. In the video, you hear a flight attendant asking Nurmagomedov, who’s sitting in the emergency exit row, if he was prepared and able to assist other passengers in the event of an emergency.

The flight attendant says, “We cannot allow you to sit in the exit row … I am not going to do this back and forth. I’ll go call a supervisor. You can either take a different seat or we can go ahead and escort you off the plane.”

Nurmagomedov appears visibly frustrated by the situation and responds, “It’s not fair” while maintaining he fully complied with the flight crew during the check in process. He tells the flight attendant, “When I was in check-in, they asked me do I know English… and I say yes. Then why you guys do this?”

Despite the UFC legend’s pushback, a supervisor was brought onto the plane and allegedly gave Nurmagomedov the option to switch seats or to take another flight. When no resolution was reached, Nurmagomedov was removed from the plane.

Well, Khabib Nurmagomedov also had this to say about the incident on X;

“First of all, I need to clarify that it was @FlyFrontier not AlaskaAir.
Lady who comes to me with questions was very rude from the very beginning, even though I speak very decent English and can understand everything and agreed to assist, she still insists on removing me from my seat. What was the base for that, racial, national or other one, I’m not sure.
But after 2 minutes of conversation, she called security and I was deplaned from this aircraft, after 1,5 hour I boarded another airline one and left to my destination.
I did my best to stay calm and respecttul as you can see on the video.
But those crew members could do better next time and just be nice with clients.”

In the end, Khabib had to be taken off the flight, and the airline had a whole lot of bad PR to deal with. Things wouldn’t have escalated if the retired UFC Champion had cooperated with the airline’s staff.

Flip to the next page to watch the viral video of Khabib Nurmagomedov in disagreement with the airline’s staff…

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