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Kobe Bryant Accused of Assaulting Man at Church For Taking Pics of Him

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Ever since the Colorado incident Kobe Bryant has been obsessive in protecting his privacy when it comes to him and his family.

He simply will not put himself in a position to look bad. That is why he isn’t on twitter or any social networking sites. That is why he controls his access to the media and you would need Jack Bauer style clearance to get anywhere near him.

So when Bean thought a gentleman a church was taking pics of him and his family Darth Kobe came out.

Bryant allegedly grabbed a man’s wrist and cell phone at St. Therese of Carmel in San Diego Sunday.

The man claims Bryant thought he had taken pictures of him and his family on his cell phone, but returned the phone after discovering there were no pictures.

The alleged victim claims he had to go to the hospital to treat a wrist injury.


If you are going to strong arm someone’s phone there better be some pictures on it, now Kobe is going to have to write a check to make sure this goes away.  The cops are already in involved and you know the man who is claiming his wrist is broken in 100 places is seeing dollar signs as we speak.

There is definitely a dark side to Kobe.  I don’t know how the Lord feels about this.  It is a Catholic church right?  He just needs to go to confession and it will be all good.


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