Tiki Barber, former New York Giants running back, twin brother of Ronde Barber, former NBC employee and current ex-husband, was on the comeback trail this year. Tiki’s plan was to return to football, the sport that he loves, at age 36 after a 4 year hiatus. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single NFL team that agrees with his plan.
According to ProFootballTalk.com, Tiki’s agent Mark Lepselter, told Peter King that both he and Tiki fully expected the newly engaged former running back to have found a team by now. Lepselter went on to state to Sports Illustrated’s Peter King, “We are flabbergasted that Tiki has not had an opportunity with any team, especially when rosters were at 90 players this year. I certainly thought some team would be intrigued to see what he had left in the tank.”
While it’s not entirely funny that Tiki is unwanted and unemployed, it is comical that he truly believed in a comeback after 4 years off at age 36. He’s 78 in football years and I don’t think that anyone took his comeback seriously. Well, other than himself and his agent, that is.
Tiki has been unavailable for comment on the matter and his agent has, according to him, released his last statement about Tiki’s football career stating, “This is the last time I am speaking on this subject in any way, shape or form. You can’t worry about the things in life you can’t control and Tiki has moved forward accordingly.” That may mean that Tiki is going to focus on marrying the intern that he was cheating on his wife with since rumor has it that he recently proposed. It must be love.
Earlier this year, reports indicated that Tiki was suffering from depression due to the lack of football in his life, being fired by NBC after being caught having an affair with a then 23 year old intern (the current fiancé) and the negative media attention. All personal feelings aside, hopefully Tiki gets his life together and moves forward. To what, I’m not sure but there’s hope for everyone.