I despise when athletes do this.
If you believe in God, the premise is that God plays no favorites correct? Does God have a cruel sense of humor? It seems to me that God would give Josh Hamilton this pep talk, tell him he is going to hit an important homer only to yank victory away from him is sort of twisted.
This isn’t the type of God I want to believe in because that is pretty evil.
Josh Hamilton said God told him he’d hit a homer Thursday night. But that’s the only promise he received.
“He told me, ‘You haven’t hit one in a while, and this is the time you’re going to,’ ” said Hamilton, who had gone 65 at-bats in the postseason without a home run. “You know what? I probably had the most relaxed, peaceful at-bat I’ve had of the whole series at that moment. It’s pretty cool. You ought to try it sometime.”
“There was a period at the end of [the sentence],” Hamilton said. “He didn’t say, ‘You’re going to hit it and you’re going to win.’ “
Hopefully God tells me I am going to win the lottery this weekend.