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Lamar Odom Out of Shape at Clippers’ Camp; Experiencing Knee Pain

Remember during the summer all we heard from Lamar Kardashian was how he was focused on getting his basketball career back in order?  How he felt the reality show life had distracted him from what was really important?

It appears all Odom has been focusing on are chicken and waffles since the Mavericks told him to take his Kardashian and go home.

He hasn’t gotten any playing time in the Clippers exhibition games and the reason is simple, he isn’t in playing shape. Here is what Vinny Del Negro had to say.

Del Negro said Odom’s knees are bothering him and that playing the 6-10 forward against the Jazz probably would have set him back.

“He’s got to work through some conditioning things and some health things right now, which he’s doing,” Del Negro said. “Yeah, I wish he was in a little bit better conditioning, and he wishes he was. But he’s just got to continue to work every day and I’m sure he’ll get there eventually.”

You know what causes knee pain? When you gain a bunch of weight and put more pressure on the joints than they are use to.

Lamar doesn’t seem to be that serious about regaining his statue as one of the best 6th men in the league. To me he just wanted to be back in LA and if he couldn’t go back to the Lakers, the Clippers were next best thing.

It is possible he ran to a divorce lawyer though…….


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