This has to be a joke, right?
Via The Daily Mail:
A convicted child molester begged a New York judge for permission to leave jail so that he could donate to a sperm bank and have a chance to procreate.
Yova Kana Shaday, 69, said he was being robbed of his ‘last opportunity to be fruitful and multiply’ in the letter filed at Brooklyn Federal Court.
Shaday said he feared that, if imprisoned, he would be too old to donate his sperm once released.
He wrote that he prayed the court would consider the ‘very serious truth in releasing me’ and warned that ‘the gravity of this extenuating circumstance is in your hands’.
The letter signs off with Shaday’s hope that ‘your god lead you to be fruitful and multiply,’ before he adds in a ‘P.S’ that his sperm donation was intended for an unnamed ‘specific receiver,’ according to the New York Daily News.
Federal Judge Edward Korman swiftly denied Shaday’s request.
No judge in the world would’ve ever approved that request. He should have worried about that while he was a free man instead of preying on innocent children.