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Hot 97 Host Moves On From Aldon Smith, Now Dating Kaepernick (Photos)

Colin Kaepernick Nessa Aldon Smith

Stiletto Jill always tells me that athletes love a referral.

Hot 97 host Nessa had been dating 49ers Aldon Smith as recently as April, but has spoken lately during her radio show that she was dating a new guy and was going to see over the weekend (also said she was nervous about it so she didn’t go #2 while with him, which was TMI).

The new guy?

Smith’s teammate Colin Kaepernick. How do we know this, well you can thank some fans of Kaepernick and Chipotle. While taking a pic with Kap, they gave the photo credit to Nessa confirming they were all together. A little more background checking confirmed they are indeed seeing each other, but nothing too serious at the moment.

I am going to assume Smith is cool with it.

Cool running into the quarterback of the 49ers @kaepernick7 PC: @nessnitty ✌️

A photo posted by Nic & Tristan Puehse (@officialtennistwins) on

Nessa is a pretty young lady, so………if you are here just for the pictures.


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