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Man Gets Upset on Twitter After He Takes Girl on Expensive Date & She Puts Emoji on His Face; Twitter Replies With Hilarious Support for The Guy; The Young Lady Speaks on Incident

Another Twitter romance bites the dust but goes viral in the process.

Twitter user @Wastegyal posted a photo from a date she attended with another user named @Dutty_Jermz. She liked how she looked but opted to put an emoji over the face of Dutty.

He angrily reacted and asked why she even bothered to post the picture. Then Twitter followed suit.

Eventually, Wastegyal had enough of the Twitter flogging and removed the emoji from Dutty Jermz face but the jokes continued and plenty of ladies were ready to cape for dapper dressed young man.

To see the original, emojified Photo, the unedited photo, and hilarious reactions, flip the pages.

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