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Watch Young Klay Thompson Meet Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen After Bulls-Blazers Game In 1998 (Video)

Klay Thompson is definitely one of the best shooters in NBA history and is a lock for the hall of fame. In this past season’s NBA Finals though, he suffered a major setback as he tore his ACL in Game 6 of Warriors vs Raptors. It’s unknown of when he is exactly expected to return.

Thompson reminisced in May about the first time that he met Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen back in 1998. It was after a Bulls-Trailzers game in Portland. At the time, he and his family lived in Lake Oswego, OR. His dad was able to get the meeting to happen. Video has now surfaced of the official interaction between MJ and the future hall of famer.

Jordan and Pippen were signing autographs for Thompson and his brothers as it was a dope moment. It’s crazy to think that two decades later, Thompson would be doing it big in the NBA and making a hall of fame career for himself as well. Flip the page to check out him meeting two of the best players to ever do it.

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