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Details on Conor McGregor Being Investigated For Rape for The Second Time (Video)

Either women are targeting McGregor or he is truly a predator who needs to be in jail.

Here is the latest via TMZ.

The UFC star has been accused of sexually assaulting a 20-something woman in her car last week outside of a Dublin pub, and a complaint has been filed with police there … this according to the New York Times, citing anonymous law enforcement sources.

The paper says authorities have yet to interview McGregor, and he has yet to be charged as well. McGregor’s spokesperson tells TMZ that Conor is often the subject of rumors, adding that his client “emphatically denies any report accusing him of sexual assault.”

Of course, this comes months after McGregor was reportedly arrested and questioned for another alleged sexual assault that an accuser says happened in December of last year. The Times reports he was taken into custody back in January of this year, but got released pending further investigation … which is standard there in the Republic.

It should be noted that McGregor hasn’t been charged with anything.

Flip the page for news video of these allegations.

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