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Man Gives Ecological Reasons Why He Had Cocaine in His Budweiser Can and Crack Pipe in His Car; Name That State (Video)

Florida continues to produce some very crazy people. The latest comes in Ft. Pierce where 37-year-old Joseph Zak was pulled over by police last month and was arrested for cocaine possession.

According to The Smoking Gun, Police found the coke inside a Budweiser can along with a crack pipe. The reason that Zak gave for the drug being there was that it was blown into the car by the wind or that police put it there. Zak was originally arrested after police noticed him appearing to throw something away but then he failed to stop at a stop sign.

Police said Zak’s car was still in motion and there was “furtive movements, leaning over towards the center console as attempting to discard an item out the passenger window.” The bag of coke was described by police as a “whitish residue, which tested positive for crack cocaine.”

Zak was hit with multiple charges and booked into the St. Lucie County jail. He has since been released on bond. He is due in court on December 3 for an arraignment hearing.

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