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How Man Was Eaten By Alligator But Was Already Dead From Meth Overdose; Name That State (Video)

Every single day, Florida never fails to make headlines for the most ridiculous things. The latest involves an alligator as according to NBC News, 45-year-old Michael Glenn Ford II was eaten by it.

The plot twist is that Ford was already dead and it was due to a meth overdose. This was conducted by a medical examiner’s report. The body was found naked after the gator munching was found at Fort Meade in June. Ford’s overdose reportedly lead to him drowning. A hand and food was eaten by the gator as well.

“It is my opinion that Michael Glenn Ford II died as a result of methamphetamine intoxication,” said District Medical Examiner Stephen Nelson in the autopsy report. The manner of death is accident. The decedent’s injuries and amputations lack sufficient associated blood to suggest they were made while alive.”

As for the gator, it was shot and killed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. It ended up being brought to the Medical Examiner’s Office with Ford. It was measured at 11 foot, 10 inches long while weighing at a whopping 449 pounds.

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