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Future’s Alleged Baby Mama Eliza Reign Celebrates With Thirst Traps After A Judge Denied His Countersuit And Ordered Him To Take Paternity Test; How She’s Trying to Get $53k a Month From Hendrixx (Pics-Video)

The world may soon finally find out if Future is the father of Eliza Reign’s child.

According to The Blast, Future not only lost his countersuit where he accused Reign of invasion of privacy and defamation, he also now has to finally submit his DNA so they can find out if the child is his or not.

Reign sued him for child support and asked that he pays her $53,000 a month. That’s one step closer to this mess being somewhat over.

To celebrate, Reign took to IG and posted a thirst trap saying that the truth always outweighs the lies and it got plenty of attention.

Flip the page to see pics and video.

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