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Twitter Debates Why Police “Kindly” Escorted Out Racist, All Lives Matter White Man, Who Threatened To “F*ck up” Priest, Woman & Children Protesting For George Floyd, Social Equality for African Americans

A group of peaceful protestors, majority white, were showing their support in the brutal killing of George Floyd yesterday evening in Whitefish, Montana.

What didn’t sit right was a angry, racist white man Jay Snowden (51) of Whitefish becoming hostile, and violent towards the group of about 60-70 protestors.

The group gathered there chanting Peaceful, Black Lives Matter which totally ignited Snowden to constantly yell,

“F*ck You, F*ck All You Guys, Starting a Riot with Black Lives Matter”

Within the group were small children, a priest who was threatened to be punched in the face numerous times and many woman exercising their first amendment rights.

Does anything surprise you anymore? Protest that are going on around the country are revealing the racists loud and clear.

What shouldn’t surprise you is that once authorities arrived on scene, one cop as seen from footage, kindly taps the angry, racist Snowden on the shoulder and gently escorts him from the protesting area.

Ultimately he was charged with one count of disorderly conduct.

If Jay was black we know what would have happened?

Flip the page to see racist Jay become outraged with protestors and reaction from around twitter.

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