In today’s news of racists being racist reveals a Yale student by the name of Kathryn Graves, who was peacefully minding her business, walking down Manhattan with her Black Lives Matter t-shirt on.
What Kathryn didn’t know, was a white, racist, MAGA woman holding a pack of “Natural Ice” beers would be so offended, and show her true character of who she really is, which is a flat out piece of s*** racist who doesn’t like African Americans at all.
The white woman who approaches The Yale Student in a hostile and racist manner, says to the Woman,
“Obama’s f—ing d–k right next to his ape f—ing wife,”
After noticeably being recorded, MAGA Karen proceeds to continue being the racists of who she is, yelling at the woman repeatedly calling her,
“N***** Ape”
Not getting the reaction out of the Yale Student, Karen takes it up a notch,
What’s the matter, you got time to do your f—ing pink a– f—ing hair, you n—er Obama f—ing ape,”
Showing strength and not retaliating knowing that Cops shoot Black unarmed men and woman and receive paid vacations, promotions for doing so, Kathryn Graves just kept the camera rolling, recording all footage.
Graves stated, after the racist and hostile attack according to the NY Post,
“Before I even started to emotionally process what was going on, I just knew I had to record it” and “try and figure out what to do if she tries to attack me,”
“I have never [before] had someone just spew hatred in my face.”
The psychology student Kathryn Graves added that the fact that while being verbally abused by the racist women not one single person even tried to step in to deescalate says a lot about this country.
“no one felt the need to intervene at all — that really bothers me a lot,”
“You must be actively anti-racist — it’s not enough to just not be racist,
Flip the page to see the racist woman verbally assault the Black Yale student and reaction from around Twitter.