Tommy Egan is arguably the second most beloved character in the Power Universe. His love for Jamaican food, killer instinct and belief of exalting loyalty over family leaves fans wondering what’s next.
Since Joseph Sikora portrayed Tommy in Power, Power Book II: Ghost and will headline Power Book IV: Force in early 2022, fans are patiently waiting. The story of Force is centered around the cocaine pusher and New York assassin leaving New York and all of his past decisions behind him for a fresh start.
Sikora sat down with BSO in September to discuss the nature and mindset of his character Tommy since his appearance in Power Book II: Ghost. With Omari Hardwick character James ‘Ghost’ St. Patrick officially dead and Mekai Curtis portraying a young Kanan Stark in Power Book III: Raising Kanan, Sikora didn’t have his own name for a book title. Therefore, Sikora didn’t know why Courtney Kemp and the Power writers named the title Force.
“I like those two (Power Book IV: Emotion and Power Book IV: Loyalty) better than Force actually. I don’t know why it’s called Force. I literally have no idea. I’m not sure if it’s a force of nature aspect or Tommy is a force,” Sikora said. “It was explained to me that mass times acceleration equals force. Not a huge fan of the title but maybe It’ll catch on.”
If anyone could eat food like an animal and still have a heart to kill when he’s crossed or betrayed, Tommy fits the description. It seemed like yesterday uncle Tommy was in Tasha’s kitchen smashing bacon, eggs, sausage links and home made biscuits.
Naturi Naughton who portrays Tasha, broke her bond with Tommy the moment she lied on him in court claiming he murdered Ghost. All of the sins from both parents affected the two most important characters in Power who childhood was slowly decimated. Tariq played by Michael Rainey Jr. became a rebellious and hurt kid while Raina played by Donshea Hopkins, died later on in season four.
Unfortunately, Raina’s unjust death came at the expense of Tariq’s bad decisions and Ray Ray who was the trigger man murdering her. If it wasn’t for Ghost careless actions and arguments in the open at home, Tariq’s resentment towards his father wouldn’t existed.
After all, Tariq wanted to be like the Ghost man no matter how much he aged to hear his father repeatedly push education as a priority.
When Tommy brutally choked his first girlfriend Holly to death in the third season of Power, he didn’t think he could lose his next love Lakeisha Grant played by La La Anthony in the sixth season.
Sikora spoke on how Tommy’s taste for food, mood and excitement could factor into how he behaves after losing everyone he loved heading into Power Book IV: Force.
“I won’t give away any spoilers but you’re onto something that are certain aspects of Tommy that when he’s full of life, he’s more present. I think that the comedic side of Tommy has always been there,” Sikora said. “He’s always made fun of life and danger as it’s happening and I always appreciated that.”
Christmas will be canceled on any enemy who tries to get over on Tommy because he has murders on his record. Thanks to Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and the beautiful Kemp, Power has become a legendary TV series that’ll go down in history as one of the greatest if not top three shows of all-time.
Get ready for 2022 because the new year will set the tone in the aftermath of Power Book II: Ghost season two.