Larry Fitzgerald has had an amazing career and he’ll for sure be in the HOF one day.
He hasn’t officially retired even though he isn’t playing this year though. We could see him back on the field at some point but who knows.
Fitz claims he just doesn’t have the passion to play football right now.
“I just don’t have the urge to play right now,” Fitzgerald said in an interview with Jim Gray back in late August. “I don’t know how I’ll feel in September, October, November moving forward but today, I just don’t have that urge.”
“I think I have to be respectful of that,” Fitzgerald said. “Football is not one of those games you want to walk out there and play and not be fully engaged and ready to repare and do the things necessary that you need to do.”
Larry has gone his whole career without being in any type of drama and has been a model NFL star. Now that he isn’t playing anymore though, the drama is coming.
According to Awesemo, his ex Melissa posted quite a few stories on IG about how Larry cheated on her with his assistant Shawn Clark for years.
“Larry Fitzgerald’s EX posted on her Instagram story that he has been sleeping with his assistant Shawn Clark for years. Apparently, the assistant was best friends with his oldest son’s mom. And she also stated that another woman he cheated on with named Krista Michalski, was best friends with his brother’s wife. She was upset that the assistant continued to be around her son. “
In her stories, she says Shawn fooled everyone and talks about how Shawn was around their son a lot. She isn’t happy at all.
Flip the page to see more for the screenshots of the WILD story. It is hard to believe that Fitz is in this type of drama.