Bol Bol’s ex-girlfriend Mulan Hernandez has been caught lying about her age on Instagram, and the question goes, why do these Instagram girls lie about almost everything? Mulan claimed she’s 21 years old, but a baby picture of herself she recently posted on her Instagram page shows she was born somewhere in 1998.
According to Side Action;
Instagram model Mulan Hernandez and Bol Bol are no longer together after his ex-girlfriend claimed the NBA player had cheated on her eight times.
Ever since Bol Bol and Mulan Hernandez had linked up, all the signs alluded towards things turning sour between the two soon. Eventually the wheels fell off the relationship, and now Bol Bol is being linked to Von Miller’s ex.
Meanwhile Mulan just got caught lying about her age. Mulan has been claiming she’s 21 years old. Which would mean she was born in 2001.
A baby picture that she posted of her and her father is dated 1998. This means she’s more likely anywhere between 24-26 years old.
She looks about 3-4 in the photo with her days, so she is likely more around the age of 27 than 21. This isn’t surprising. Many IG Models lie about their age because the younger you are, the more desirable you are to companies that want to use you as influencers and NBA players, I suppose.
Mulan has been embroiled in a situation with Von Miller’s baby mama Megan Denise who Bol Bol is now allegedly dating. According to Hernandez, he was cheating on her with Denise while they were still together and shortly after Denise had Von’s baby. It is a complete mess that Miller says he is embarrassed about.
Wild times in the NBA, NFL, and IG model world. It seems like it is always the same ten women that are being rotated to the masses. Bol Bol is being called a YOUNG KING on social media.
Flip to the next page to see the evidence and how Megan Denise is ready to fight Mulan.