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Watch Plus Sized Bride Drag Her Groom Around Using a Dog Leash During Wedding Reception

People on the internet are calling out this plus-size bride for treating her groom like a dog during their wedding reception. But hey, the groom was happy about it and even behaved like a dog just for his bride to be happy. With that being said if you put your videos on the internet this is bound to happen. It was their special day and they decided to go this way probably to go viral on the internet.

Twitter folks are lashing out at the bride for dragging her groom around like a dog but some are also of the view that since it’s their day, there is nothing wrong with what they decided on doing on this day.  The main issue is the woman is white and her husband is black, so there are some issues there that are too nuanced for Twitter.

Reminds me of Doug Christie and his wife, but at least she was black. Women loved that.  This is what they were saying about it back then.

Recently, when I was surfing the blogosphere I came across this picture of Doug Christie, a former NBA player, and his wife Jackie. I don’t know if you all remember but Jackie is one of the original, notoriously famous basketball wives in the 90’s. Unlike the women on VH1’s reality series “Basketball Wives,” who are known for losing their NBA ballers, Jackie was known for having her man on a tight leash. Hence the picture. It was rumored that Doug would keep his head down during the game so he wouldn’t be tempted to look at the cheerleaders. It was rumored that Doug had to throw code hand signs to Jackie during the game. And it was also rumored that Jackie would follow the team bus on the road to make sure Doug wasn’t cheating. I don’t know whether that is true or not, but the idea of it possibly being true makes my head spin.

As a woman, I understand the urge to want to have your man ‘in check.’ That means he respects you and he makes others respect you. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t cheat. Most importantly, he does his best not to hurt you. ‘In check’ means a man knows the value of a relationship. He understands that in order for the relationship to work he must take an active role in preserving it. He cannot come, go and do as he pleases and expect to always be forgiven.

A man is ‘in check’ because his woman made it clear she will not tolerate the bullsh*t.

I am in support of women who have their men ‘in check,’ because it means they are not willing to be a doormat. But there is a distinct difference between when a man is ‘in check’ and when he is on a leash.

Without a doubt, Jackie Christie had her husband on a tight leash. Almost suffocating.

Flip to the next page to watch the viral video and Twitter reactions.  They aren’t favorable for the black man.

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