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Bills Says They Believe Von Miller’s Version of Events After He Was Arrested For Domestic Violence

There are three sides to every story.

Her side, his side, and the truth. Oftentimes, it is hard to discern the truth, but in my experience, it usually is somewhere in the middle of both sides of the story.

Von Miller’s longtime girlfriend, Megan Denise, felt strongly enough about what was going on to call the police and record a part of their argument.

Ms. Denise, in the past, has also accused Miller of domestic violence, only to recant later on. This is what she did recently, saying everyone was overreacting even though she was the one who called 911.

It appears either out of desperation to make the playoffs or having more knowledge about the situation than we do. According to ESPN, we have decided not to act against Miller.

“We weren’t there. We’re not the investigators,” Beane said. “We don’t, obviously, you know, we had our conversations with Von and understood what he believes happened and so, from that standpoint we can’t get into it. It’s an open investigation, and so we’ll just, we’ll let the legal process play out, and he’ll participate like normal in practice.”

“Anytime it’s an ongoing investigation, if something was uncovered that the commissioner does have that, at any point, if he feels there was something that, hey, this is, this doesn’t look good or something like that, if at any point that, they could,” Beane said. “But with our knowledge of what we have today, we don’t expect that.”

Last Wednesday at 11 a.m. CT, Dallas police responded to a major disturbance call, with the preliminary investigation showing that Miller and the woman got into a verbal argument and that he allegedly assaulted her. An affidavit for arrest warrant obtained by ESPN detailed that the allegations include Miller putting a hand and later both hands on the woman’s neck for about three to five seconds, pulling her hair and trying to shove her out while she was trying to leave the residence they both reside in after him asking her to leave.

Police arrived at the condominium, observed “minor abrasions” on her left hand along with bruising to her neck, “injuries consistent with applied pressure the neck,” in addition to bruising to her abdomen and left biceps, noted later when photographs were taken.

Miller hasn’t spoken publicly about the incident and Ms. Denise has closed her comments on Instagram.

Flip the pages for photos of former stripper Megan Denise.

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