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Pretty Lady Who Stole The Show During Bengals-Jaguars Game With A “WHAT” Reaction Identified

The female fan who went viral after stealing the show during the Bengals-Jaguars “Monday Night Football” game with the “WHAT” reaction has been identified.

The woman would be shown mouthing the words “What?” as both teams made their way back down the field.

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It did not take very long for social media to find that lady.

Her name is Alexandra Sanders and she is spoken for because her husband is Jaguars defensive end Adam Gotsis.

She’s not just a pretty face as her Instagram bio says she is an Amazon Best Selling Author who works in commercial banking strategy.

Also, she is heavily tatted up.

Alexandra Sanders has got her pictures all over the tabloids after going viral for the “WHAT” reaction as the Bengals-Jaguars players made their way back down the field.

Flip to the next page for reactions and Alexandra Sander’s thirst trap photos…

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