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Watch Honey Brooks Get Backlash After She Revealed Sharing Her Husband With 16 Women

Australian content creator Honey Brooks is getting trashed on the internet after revealing how she has allowed other women to have relations with her husband.

According to Honey, her sexual life has improved massively after letting her husband have other women in the bed. And of course, it involves loads of threesomes and other daring acts in the bedroom.

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“I have shared my husband with 16 people so far this year. If you told me 12 months ago that I was going to be sharing my husband with multiple women, I wouldn’t believe it.”

According to Honey, she is the one obsessed and always on the prowl.

“The funny thing about it is I am the one who is obsessed. My husband always thinks it’s ‘cool’ or ‘whatever,’ but I’m always thinking of the women we can do.” 

“I’m pretty sure I enjoy the girls more than my husband does — he just comes along for the ride”.

She also revealed that she and her husband have been recording the encounters with other women “so that they can later reminisce”.

“We’ve had ones we haven’t filmed because it’s just us in our element. But we tape most of them, which is really cool because we get to share that and then we get to watch it back over and over.”

And some women had testimonies to share about opening up their marriages to let other women slide in.

“My partner is so chill about it also and I’m obsessed,” one enthused. “Pretty much crave it. I thought I was the only one.”

“Girl same,” a second lusty lady declared. “Started dabbling in that world and it’s so [flame emoji].”

One man also agreed with Honey’s arrangement of letting other women sleep with her husband.

“This is fascinating: a decade ago I would have been quite single-minded in my opposition to the idea. These days I’d marry a porn star. Love & sex are not the same and it took a ruinous relationship with a narcissist to show me that.”

“What I thought was love was just sex to her, and a means to manipulate me. Good for you, as long as you’re both coming at it from a good place then long may your marriage prosper … ” the man added.

Others trashed Honey Brooks over sharing her husband with other women.

“Remember when a wedding and marriage actually meant something?” one lamented.

“Tune in next year for her newly divorced videos,” another snarked, before a third claimed that it was “the beginning of the end for her husband.”

A lot is going on in marriages with couples having such arrangements all in the name of spicing up their boring marriages and making it work.

Flip to the next page to watch Honey Brooks open up about letting other women sleep with her husband…

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