Bryce James, the youngest son of LeBron James, gained notoriety following the publication of the first installment of Top Class Hoops by UNINTERRUPTED, a documentary series that follows him as he competes in the Nike EYBL competition with the Strive For Greatness AAU team. Head coach Chris Madden asked the players to give their all-time top five lists during one of the segments. First to rise was Bryce.
“LeBron [James], MJ [Michael Jordan], Kobe [Bryant], Russell Westbrook, Carmelo Anthony.”
For excellent reasons, this ranking surprised NBA fans. The fact that Bryce selected individuals without championships, including Carmelo Anthony and Russell Westbrook, suggested that his selections may have been biased.
Bryce James’s suprising Dwayne Wade ommision
Wade, one of his closest uncles, was not even mentioned following this favoritism. To put things in perspective, Wade has a stronger resume than Melo and Brodie. He was a key player in the Miami Heat’s success during his 16-year NBA career, helping them win three titles. Among the Hall of Famer’s many achievements are a scoring title, 13 All-Star selections, 8 All-NBA selections, and a Finals MVP honor.
It’s well knowledge that LBJ joined the Heat in 2010 largely due to Wade’s impact and the team’s culture. They dominated the league together for four years running. Each season, the pair advanced to the NBA Finals and won two titles during this time. Their families also became closer to one another throughout this time. This connection is still quite strong now.