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Audio: Terrell Owens Denies Suicide Claims on 911 Call

When we reported earlier about the disturbing 911 call that came from Terrell Owens’ home, the obvious thing that stood out was one of his assistants confirming that it was a “Suicide Attempt” on Owens’ part.

Owens through his publicist says that it was all just a misunderstanding.

Here is the statement.

NFL Wide Receiver, Terrell Owens absolutely did not attempt suicide nor did he attempt to overdose on pills on October 6, 2011. Reports released today claiming he did are completely false and were made in relation to a 911 call his assistant made that evening. The facts are that she arrived at his home that evening after he had already taken a sleeping aid to fall asleep. He was unresponsive because of this. Unaware that he had taken a sleeping aid prior to her arrival, his assistant became concerned and decided to call 911. When the ambulance and police arrived, Owens was responsive and was not held in the hospital. Reports released with the 911 call today are misleading and not factual.
As one can see from his workout televised this past Tuesday, he is strong both mentally and physically as well as 100% focused on playing football.
It is quite possible that his assistant overreacted to the situation.
The only one who really knows is T.O., whatever the case maybe what we do know is someone needs to monitor how he takes his medication because this has become a recurring thing.
You can listen to the 911 call below.


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