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Groupie Tales

Basketball Wives: LA Draya Michele’s Sex Tape?

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This is brilliant marketing by Draya.

Remember I was the one who told her she should use the “8 Mile Theory” and it appears she is listening.  If someone is trying to threaten or extort you take away their power by releasing the info yourself.

Draya says one of her ex boos is threatening to release her sex tape, so she went to Twitter to let you know a sex tape actually exists.  Read the tweets below.

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Considering Draya’s work on the pole in the past and her affiliations with several entertainers and athletes no one should be surprised that a sex tape exists. If anything we should be surprised one hasn’t been released sooner.

It isn’t like we haven’t seen her naked before (Draya Naked Pics Hit the Net), so I don’t think a sex tape is that big of deal.

My advice to Draya is to contact Vivid Videos or Cash Money and get a nice payday and release her sex tape officially. Hustle the hustler.

Actually send the tape to me and I will make copies in my basement and we will sell them online (downloads and DVDs) and keep 100% of the profit.  THAT IS GOLD JERRY!!! GOLD!!! (Seinfeld Reference).

Turn yourself into a Kardashian, Ms. Draya and next thing you know you will get a couple of million for your 72 day wedding to Luke Walton.

Oh one last thing, if Draya is actually the one leaking the tape and just throwing in the sob story for sympathy?



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