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Kevin Nash & Madusa Joining 2015 WWE Hall of Fame


The WWE Hall of Fame class for 2015 is shaping up nicely after confirming the addition of the Bushwackers there are a few more names that the WWE will be adding in the coming weeks. Kevin Nash, founding member of the nWo and Diesel in the WWE, will reportedly also be inducted this year. I don’t think this is a big surprise but the question I have is will he be inducted as Nash or Diesel? The WWE inducted Hall as Razor Ramon focusing on his time in the WWE before going to WCW. Nash was successful in the WWE as Diesel winning Intercontinental, Tag Team, and World Championship. His biggest shine was in the WCW where he was a 5 time WCW Champion. I would assume he goes in as Diesel and the WWE saves Nash and Hall to be inducted as the Outsiders at a later date. Nash isn’t the only big WWE/WCW name going in, as Madusa is expected to be inducted as well Madusa, or Alundra Blayze as she was called during her time in the WWE, had an infamous moment on WCW Nitro in an iconic moment between the WCW/WWF wars when she did this:

Madusa WCW

As the WWF Womens Champion, Blayze showed up on WCW Monday Nitro with the WWF title and dumped it into a garbage can. This was one of those big moments that had people wagging their fingers and shaking their heads before it was cool on the internet.


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