It’s been well publicized that Zab Judah is one of Floyd Mayweather’s training partners and there’s been rumors that Zab has gotten the best of Floyd a few times. Floyd Sr. puts an end to those rumors.
In an interview with ‘On The Ropes’ boxing radio Floyd Sr. discusses Mayweather’s training camp and his sparring partners:
“When they were talking about Zab Judah knocking Floyd down. They were talking about sparring partners giving it to little Floyd. None of that stuff happened, none of it.”
“My son, somewhere in there everyday he ends up getting the best of everything. Today he whooped some other guy, like he does every day. It’s just what it is. A lot of them take whoopings, sometimes they stop it. Floyd does different things, sometimes he goes to the body and stops the guys and sometimes he throws to the head. Sometimes the guy will stop it. He’s just ready, that’s all I’m trying to say.”
Floyd Sr. has been his son’s biggest fan heading into this fight and if half of what he says is true then Floyd is on his way to an easy victory on May 2nd. Pacquiao will have something different to say about it.