I guess that fire symbol means that more is burning other than ‘love’ on Tinder, a popular dating app. A man is now suing the app after contracting Herpes from a chick he met on there.
Here are the details via News 3:
The man is identified as John Doe in court documents. The woman is a Hollywood producer. The two met on Tinder, an online dating app. He says the two had unprotected sex twice and he contracted genital herpes.
The lawsuit was filed in the Clark County District Court. He wants at least $10,000 for his pain and suffering.
According to the complaint filed in the court, the two had unprotected sex, including once at the Stratosphere Casino & Hotel. He says the woman later admitted she lied about having genital herpes.
I don’t really know how it’s Tinder’s fault that you had unprotected sex with a stranger, but anyone can sue for anything these days.